Thursday, April 9, 2015

Sorry, not sorry!

There is a tiny part of us who feel the need to apologize for flooding your Facebook news feed this morning, and yet there is a huge part of us that are not sorry for doing it.

Yesterday, SB 277 went before the California Health Committee. With 400 people standing and opposing the Bill, and only 50+ who were for it, the voice of the people obviously didn't matter. The vote still went on the side of pushing SB 277 forward to be heard at the Education Committee next week.

Why are we so against SB 277? We believe the statement, "If there is a risk, there should be a choice!"

We know you are probably hitting sensory overload on this issue, but we ask that if you are passionate about keeping your right to choose medical decisions for your child, you contact those on the California Educational Committee and let them know where you stand.

Here is a link to a summary of the public hearing from the Sacramento Bee.…/…/capitol-alert/article17904647.html

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