Monday, June 28, 2010

Valentinechiro's Blog
Summer Fun / Natural Sunblock

Now with summer upon us it is very important to protect our selves and family from to much sun exposure. Dr. Mercola (to get the complete article go to,) has a summer survival-kit that gives us a natural way to block the harmful rays of the sun but not stopping the benefits!! According to Dr. Mercola,”Sunscreen blocks your body’s production of vitamin D. Most brands contain toxic free radical generators which I believe can increase your risk of disease. Here’s the ultimate way to protect yourself this summer…”
As you may know, wearing a sunscreen on your uncovered skin blocks your body’s production of vitamin D. In fact, sunscreens reduce vitamin D production by as much as 97.5 to 99.9%. And interfering with your body’s production of vitamin D by 97.5 to 99.9% may have dire health consequences.
After all, vitamin D plays a crucial role in your overall health and well-being. For example, this superb vitamin is known to:
• Support your cardiovascular health
• Promote optimal cholesterol levels
• Enhance your muscle strength
• Help produce optimal blood pressure levels
• Help maintain a healthy immune system
• Support healthy kidney function
• Promote healthy teeth
• Help keep your bones strong and healthy
Please understand — this list of important benefits represents a tiny fraction of the ways vitamin D keeps you healthy and fit. And, although you can get vitamin D from natural food sources, experts agree on one thing.
soon as the sun’s ultraviolet rays strike your skin, your body is programmed to do something remarkable. It starts producing its own natural vitamin D.
Better yet, your body produces the most active form of vitamin D in existence — calciferol. Also known as vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is actually the precise form your body needs for the proper functioning of your organs and cells.
And luckily for all of us, our bodies automatically generate enough of it with virtually no risk of overdose. They just know when to stop producing natural vitamin D before it can reach toxic levels.
However, elevated vitamin D levels obtained strictly from oral supplements can take six months or longer to normalize. That’s why I don’t recommend supplementing your vitamin D with pills. If you do take vitamin D supplements, you need to get your blood levels tested regularly to avoid toxicity.
With natural sunlight, you may be wondering what precautions you need to take…
We at Valentine Chiropractic know how important it is to keep you informed about natural alternatives to help us remain healthy!! Along with a good diet, (which we will address next,) regular adjustments keeps your spine and nervous system healthy and our bodies functioning at their full capacity.
To set an appointment for your free exam call our caring staff at: 714-738-0115 and let them help you address any of these questions:
(Misalignment of the spinal vertebras)
Weight Loss
Headache & Migraines
Click HERE for more information.
Visit us at our office: 162 N. RAYMOND AVE., FULLERTON
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Fibromyalgia, Arthritis like symptoms, Numbness, Headaches (Migraines), Forgetfulness, Burning, Insomnia, Sleeplessness, Fatigue, Irritability, Digestive Problems, Nervousness,
June 7, 2010 • Filed under Uncategorized • Edit
Today you are very fortunate as there is a major break through, a discovery in my profession that is producing amazing results for patients that previously suffered with Pain (anywhere in the body, including fingers and feet), Fibromyalgia, Arthritis like symptoms, Numbness, Headaches (Migraines), Forgetfulness, Burning, Insomnia, Sleeplessness, Fatigue, Irritability, Digestive Problems, Nervousness, Anxiousness, Moodiness, etc…
I am one of the few Doctors in the country who has been trained in this new technique that has just been released.
Call our office to schedule for a free test to see if this new treatment method is right for you or someone you know. This free test is non-invasive and may produce a relief of your symptoms that could last minutes, days or even weeks. Please call our helpful staff to sent your appointment at: (714) 738-0115. Check out website at:
Below is a recent testimonial from a patient that received treatment with this new method.
“I lived with Fibromyalgia for five years. I had to quit my job and just stayed at home. I couldn’t stand for more than 10 minutes and didn’t go out. Everything was affected- memory, speech and more. I was taking a lot of pain medication to help me get through the day. I was extremely skeptical of the procedure, but now I’m a believer! I’m off all the medication that was prescribed for me. I took a great leap of faith and people can believe what they want to believe, but I know that I basically got back my life!”
Yours in Health,
Dr. Gregory Valentine
Click Here for more information

Advanced treatment for bulging discs!!

Spinal Decompression: Advanced treatment for bulging discs
Computer-assisted spinal decompression is one of the most important medical advances in the treatment of back pain. This technology allows us to treat our patients’ herniated discs, sciatica, and other spine conditions without needing to resort to surgery. In the past, medical doctors would treat many of these disorders with oral pain medication, injections of anti-inflammatory and pain drugs, and spinal surgery. While there are times that some of these treatments may be helpful, they don’t address the underlying causes of back pain.
How does spinal decompression work?
Decompression is a way of gently elongating the spine to relieve pressure on compressed vertebrae and discs. Under direct supervision of your doctor, a computer-assisted treatment table produces the forces required to cause decompression of the intervertebral discs. This therapy unloads the pressure on injured discs to allow the injury to heal naturally.
Treatment is gentle. You will be fitted with soft padded harnesses that fit around your hips and ribs. The doctor sits at a computerized console, and enters a customized treatment protocol designed for your particular condition and health history. Data including your height, weight, and location of your spinal injury are all taken into account. Each treatment takes about 30 to 45 minutes. The treatment is painless and gentle. Many patients find that it immediately alleviates pain and produces a feeling of relaxation in their back.
What conditions can it treat?
Computer-assisted spinal decompression can treat a wide variety of conditions. At our clinic, we have successfully helped patients with herniated discs (bulging discs), degenerative disc disease, posterior facet syndrome, and sciatica. This technology has also been remarkably useful in the treatment of chronic repetitive-strain injuries and sports injuries.
However, each patient is different and a proper diagnosis is essential before beginning any treatment plan.
Can this treatment help me?
To determine if spinal decompression is right for you requires a thorough physical examination and discussion of your health history. After a comprehensive exam and consult, our doctors will explain your condition and treatment options. Not all patients are good candidates for this revolutionary technology — but for those who are, it can truly be life-changing.
Check out our website at: Learn more, and get 2 free treatments by calling Valentine Chiropractic and make an appointment with our helpfull staff at: (714) 738-0115.
Click HERE for more information

Immediate Pain Relief
Active Therapeutic Movement: Immediate pain relief

In our constant search for the most advanced treatments for spinal pain, we discovered a device that can retrain your body’s muscle patterns – and relieve chronic pain – in a very short time.
We are among the first clinics in the United States to have this device and offer it to our patients. We’re very excited about it and we’d like to share the information with you. Developed right here in the Bay Area by a team of doctors and engineers, this medical device has the potential to radically change the way chronic pain is treated.
Yes, that sounds like marketing hype, and we were skeptical too, so we spent months doing everything we could to learn the facts. We wanted to be sure that this device could really help our patients.
So we talked directly with the inventors, we examined the machine; we even flew to Dallas to train with Dr. Jay Kennedy, the leading researcher on the technology. And of course we also tested the device – on each other first, then on real live patients.
Our conclusion is that the Active Therapeutic Movement machine is not only extremely valuable for relieving pain, but it also dramatically changes the way we (and our patients) think about some types of chronic pain.
Does your back hurt, but doctors don’t know why?
Many of our patients have chronic, debilitating back pain — with no known cause. X-rays, MRIs, and physical exams don’t show any significant findings. No herniated discs, no broken bones, no muscle tears, no nerve damage. These patients have apparently normal backs, yet these patients are in pain and can’t get relief.
These types of pain conditions are very often the result of damaged nerve/muscle pathways. Due to injury, chronic overuse, or bad posture, your body has learned to rely heavily on a small group of overworked muscles. These fatigued, inflamed, and painful muscles are bearing too much of the load and can’t get relief.
Why physical therapy doesn’t work
For situations like this, physical therapy won’t work. Your muscles are already overloaded and tired — how can exercising help? It may actually make things worse.
Stretching? It might help, for a little while. But if the damaged nerve/muscle pattern isn’t fixed, those muscles will soon be tight again.
Pain drugs won’t help either, of course. They only cover up the pain, leaving the real problem unsolved. And surgery? Not a chance.
Your muscles just need to return to proper, balanced function. And the
trick is, you need to do that while you go on working, driving, playing, living. 6 weeks of bed rest aren’t going to fit into your schedule.
Retrain your muscles and nervous system – be free of pain
The only way out of this situation is to retrain your nerves and muscles to function properly, so that you can bend, lift, and move without pain.
This is exactly what the Active Therapeutic Movement device does. Our doctors can use it to help you with back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, and many other conditions that have been difficult to treat.

Safe, gentle treatment
For such an advanced machine, this device appears very simple – an upright, padded surface with a series of belts and straps in key locations.
To use it, your doctor will have you stand against the device while he adjusts it to your height and body type. He will use some of the straps to gently change your posture and align your body. You’ll then be asked to do some simple range of motion exercises as a way of retraining your body.
Sessions typically last about 15 minutes, and they are often paired with another therapy, like spinal decompression, spinal adjustment, heat or cold therapy, or rehabilitation exercise.
Can this treatment help me?
Active Therapeutic Movement is not for everyone. It is very effective for certain conditions, so each patient must be properly screened to see if they qualify for this therapy.
To learn more please request a consultation with Dr. Gregory J. Valentine and get your 2 free visits by making an appointment at (714) 738-0115.
Please visit our website at to answer your wellness questions.
Click HERE for more information!!

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